Tuckahoe Turf Farms has been growing turf for the professional for over 40 years and has the most farm locations of any turf grower in New England. Our 40+ years of experience with growing and supplying turfgrass for the New England area will ensure you receive quality sod for your jobsite on time and at an affordable price. We service landscape contractors, garden centers, golf courses, schools, municipalities, and many others in need of our products and services. We provide the best delivery service in New England.

Multiple Locations
Richmond RI –  Berwick ME

Exceptional Services
At Tuckahoe Turf Farms we’re committed to providing you the best services available. From Sod Handler Delivery Equipment, Multiple Truck Load Delivery, Multi Farm Locations, Custom Grown Turf, On-Site Consultations, Early Morning Delivery and 2 Harvesting Systems, (2′ x 5′ and 4′ x 62.5′).
Small Order Delivery
We will deliver as small an order as 500 sq. ft. if that is all you need.

Peter DeBrusk
Cell: 603-819-9700
Office: 800-556-6985

Scott McLeod
Cell: 401-230-2631
Office: 800-556-6985

Aaron Maher
Cell: 401-714-3240
Office: 800-556-6985